Hawaii Public Meetings Calendar
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- Wednesday, 05/01/2024
Time: 01:30 PM
Event status:
Calendar: OHA Resource Management
Title: OHA MEETING of the Committee on Resource Management (RM)
Location: Virtual Meeting - 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu, HI 96817 - viewable at https://www.oha.org/livestream
Posted on: 04/25/2024 12:47 PM
Updated on: 04/25/2024 12:47 PM
OHA Resource Management
- Date:
- Wednesday, 05/01/2024
- Start Time:
- 01:30 PM
- Place:
- Virtual Meeting - 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Honolulu, HI 96817 - viewable at https://www.oha.org/livestream
DATE: Wednesday May 1, 2024
TIME: 1:30 p.m.
PLACE: Remote Meeting by Interactive Conference Technology
and in-person at OHA Mauli Ola Boardroom
Nā Lama Kukui
560 N. Nimitz Hwy.
Honolulu, HI. 96817
viewable at https://www.oha.org/livestream OR
Listen by phone: (213) 338-8477,
Webinar ID: 859 0795 9987
This virtual meeting can be viewed and observed via livestream on OHA’s website at www.oha.org/livestream or listened to by phone at: (213) 338-8477, Webinar ID: 859 0795 9987.
A physical meeting location, open to members of the public who would like to provide oral testimony or view the virtual meeting, will be available at 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu HI 96817.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
A. March 27, 2024
III. Unfinished Business – None
IV. New Business
A. The Native Hawaiian Trust Fund (NHTF) Investment Portfolio Review for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2024 – Ryan Lee, Director of Endowment
B. Consequent Capital Management – Independent Board Investment Advisor
1. Introduction and Continuing Trustee Education
2. Preliminary DRAFT Language for Board Governance Policy of the Native Hawaiian Trust Fund (NHTF)
3. Presentation: Northern Trust (Custodian) – Ali Guttillo, Patricia Somerville-Koulouris, and Brett Manor
V. Adjournment
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact Everett Ohta at (808) 594-1988 or by email at everetto@oha.org as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible have a greater likelihood of being fulfilled. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate/accessible formats.
Meeting materials for this meeting will be available for the public to view 48 hours prior to this meeting at OHA’s main office located at 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, HI 96817. Meeting materials will also be available to view at OHA’s neighbor island offices and will be posted to OHA’s website at: www.oha.org/rm.
In the event that the livestream or the audiovisual connection is interrupted and cannot be restored, the meeting may continue as an audio-only meeting through the phone and Webinar ID listed at the beginning of this agenda. Meeting recordings and written meeting minutes are posted to OHA's website.
†Notice: The 72 Hour rule, pursuant to OHA BOT Operations Manual, Section 49, shall be waived for distribution of new committee materials.
Public Testimony will be called for each agenda item and must be limited to those matters listed on the meeting agenda.
Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, Chapter 92, Public Agency Meetings and Records, prohibits Board members from discussing or taking action on matters not listed on the meeting agenda.
Testimony can be provided to the OHA Board of Trustees either as: (1) written testimony emailed at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, (2) written testimony mailed and received at least two business days prior to the scheduled meeting, or (3) live, oral testimony online or at the physical meeting location during the virtual meeting.
(1) Persons wishing to provide written testimony on items listed on the agenda should submit testimony via email to BOTmeetings@oha.org at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting or via postal mail to Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Attn: Meeting Testimony, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, HI 96817 to be received at least two business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Any testimony received after these deadlines will be ‘late’ testimony and will be distributed to the Board members after the scheduled meeting.
(2) Persons wishing to provide oral testimony online during the virtual meeting must first register at:
You need to register if you would like to orally testify online. Once you have completed your registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you with a link to join the virtual meeting, along with further instructions on how to provide oral testimony online during the virtual meeting.
To provide oral testimony online, you will need:
(a) a computer or mobile device to connect to the virtual meeting;
(b) internet access; and
(c) a microphone to provide oral testimony.
Once your oral testimony online is completed, you will be asked to disconnect from the meeting. If you do not sign off on your own, support staff will remove you from the Zoom meeting. You can continue to view the remainder of the meeting on the livestream or by telephone, as provided at the beginning of this agenda.
(3) Persons wishing to provide oral testimony at the physical meeting location can sign up the day-of the meeting at the Nā Lama Kukui OHA lobby.
Oral testimony online or at the physical meeting location will be limited to five (5) minutes.
Oral testimony by telephone/landline will not be accepted at this time.